Saturday, May 25, 2019

Personal Discovery Essay Overview Essay

This essay is intended to guide the school-age child from identifying a problem or situation, taking most action in regard to the situation, and writing about the father while supporting/developing their evaluation/analysis with two primary sources.A public OverviewFirst, you exit be given a professionally-generated member that addresses a crabby topic. This semester, the topic leave behind involve health risks. Second, you must decide upon an activity afterward(prenominal) reading the article. For instance, since the article you will be given is on health risks, you will will need to identify two activities you can perform that will effect the consequences of your chosen health risk. Third, you will write a first draft of an essay of about 750 words (three pages) in which you discuss the activities and what move you to postulate those activities, followed by your reactions and responses (such as What did I learn? And Why could it be valuable to me?)Fourth, find an artic le in the Three Rivers Rutland Library data base which provides special breeding or that either refutes or corroborates what your rough draft says. Ideally, this one will help you determine the best practices for avoiding or managing the health risks. Incorporate data in the form of direct quotation and paraphrasing according to MLA style into the final draft. Finally, prepare a final draft of the paper in which you analyze the endure and the article, then synthesize all of the information into a cohesive essay. This essay will be the final assignment of the semester, so it is important to do your real best work. The final essay shuold be of 750 1,000 words, not including the correct MLA-style Works Cited page.Short Writing Assignment 7InstructionsRead and study the information from the following web page http// Download the expression Close Reading template (located in the Assignments Unit 5 folder) Complete th e template through a close reading of the article.Minimum RequirementsCompleted Article Close Reading document for Top 10 Leading Causes of Death by Rachael Rettner. Since you train apply this template onward, take into account any suggestions or comments I provided you with to make sure you make the fullest use of the template possible.DOWNLOAD TEMPLATEAttached FilesArticle Close Reading Document.docx (15.785 KB)Short Writing Assignment 8InstructionsChoose two activities which you can do over a period of a few consecutive days which may prevent your death or the health-related consequences for you from the chosen malady. Make sure you think about the activities you choose to give before you decide. They should be planned, not spontaneous events. Once you perform your activities, notice the immediate effects and think about their long-term value. How did you timber when performing your activities? Were your activities difficult? How did you feel after the experience? Sit down an d write about the experience while it is still fresh in your mind.Minimum RequirementsCompose a cc 300 word reflection on your activities. Make sure you clearly identify your chosen health malady and the activities you performed in the context of your reflection.Personal stripping Essay First DraftInstructionsUsing the following outline, compose a rough draft of your Personal Discover Essay. .INTRODUCTIONMention the article and author. Give the briefest summary of the main points that relate to your paper. As you agree or disagree with the ideas, a thesis should develop. PERSONALWhy did you choose to do these particular malady and activities? Were they the most convenient, the most inconvenient, or did they involve activities that had been on your mind, for example? How did you feel when you anticipated the activities, before you actually performed them?ENVIRONMENTIdentify your activities. What exactly did you have to do? Give some detail about this so the reader can imagine how m uch (or how little) was done.REACTIONWhat was yourreaction? How did you feel, both physically and mentally, after performing your activity? Did this surprise you? Have you had other experiences where youve changed your actions, or added activities, based on your health decisions? If so, how did this reaction compare to that experience?INTERPRETATIONConsider this experience in light of Rettners article. How do you think her numbers would change if everyone took these activities seriously? Do you think there is a significant chance others will follow your lead? Will you continue to perform these activities in the future? Do you think others are likely to do so? Why or why not?CONCLUSIONTie the essay together, reiterating your thesis, perhaps mentioning Rettners article one more time. Make a statement about health activities, predict what would happen if more of us were required to try to improve our health, or discuss how we would be affected if we expected more healthy animateness a ctivities of ourselves. Try for a fresh and original ending to this essay.Minimum RequirementsWrite the first draft of an essay of about 750 words in which you discuss what you did and what motivated you. Part of the essay should discuss the article and your feelings about it, while it should also include your reactions and responsesPersonal Discover EssayInstructionsFind an article in Three Rivers Rutland Library database that provides additional information or that either refutes or corroborates what you said in your first draft. The article may discuss public service, student character, or any other aspect of your essay. Incorporate the information from your new article into the final draft of the Personal husking Essay. The final draft should argue your ability to analyze the experience and what was read and then synthesize the information into a cohesive essay.Minimum RequirementsA final draft of the Personal Discovery Essay which syntheses of the genesis article, first hand information gathered in real time, and a supporting document located in the database into a private essay of 750-1000 words. In addition the the essay, you should include a correct MLA-style Works Citedpage containing citations for the Rettner article, as well as the database article. Apply the scientific and healthcare professionals advice and expertness to craft an essay of Personal Discovery which uses both your day-to-day altered habits and the science that backs them up in an essay which incorporates the best practices of our three major essays this semester

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